And AMA medicine has been a Corporate model since the first days -- when it prevaled upon legislators to give allopathy a Monopoly protection unseen in any other country in the world (before or since). Just call everone else: quacks. Hey.. it always appealed too! to the Murican desire for simplistic fantasy.

Now, we have ALL of our eggs in that one gold-lam\ufffd embroidered basket.. though other approaches are finally trickling in (and embarrassing the Hell out of the Old medical-Bolsheviks: every time YAN new successful approach to a recalcitrant 'disease' is seen to require neither pharm-chem no$trums nor surgical er 'intervention').

And anyone who supposes that... 20 hour days of crash courses for med students: with the Grail of unlimited fees dangled as nourishment - is much to do with "healing" or the acquisition of wisdom (?).. well - that person is their lawful prey.

It's Bizness as Usual. Most US doctors who ever have tried to be innovative beyond the simplistic recipes of the PDR - were in past forced offshore: only *these* were ever "disciplined" by the Medical Corporate officers: as a threat to profit and a comfortable closed mind-set. The ones with kill-records of huge numerical count -- are still ""practicing"". Today. Look it up.

(They ARE ab-fab at fixing trauma though - full marks in mechanical repair! 'Disease', restoration of robust health?? - now That's a Different story)
