begun over a comment 'twixt a County-official--privately, to a friend, initially--re the Mexican-diss aka 'Bad-joke', hubcap-stealers. From that germinal-beginning ..a fascinating bunch of exchanges amidst n+ of the local vox populi. A veritable litmus of: the Origins of all-that-Hate/now so often ejaculated by ..well, you know ..thence 'it'--some/Any! minor verbal atrocity--trickles-down ..and like that movie: ReAnimates all the

Wash/Rinse/Repeat self-fueled latent animosity within the dis-US (never before kindled, IMO to such well-beyond Fahrenheit 451ยบ). The entire process is chronicled following a few links to and re the Town-meeting whence the idiot-'joke' was re-VISITED. Ya could getcher Sociology PhD by just assembling ... the narratives.

And ALL ^THE ABOVE..^ catalyzed hourly by One extraordinarily Iggerant&Disturbed ... homo-sap with literally-NO CONCEPT of 'governance' contained anywhere within his wetware.

SO: THAT'S precisely how Fucked-Up IS dis-USian LANGUAGE, ITSELF. NOW.

..Prey for on US'ns ... its the only inescapable-Game In Town.