..too well to rebut. It DOES seem that, those possessed of that mindset well-described plus the essential-toxin: "possessed also of that Certainty-demon" (100% present in that group?) ... never could Honestly participate in the ideas necessary for 'democracy' to take hold.
And taken to the limit (that mindset) is exactly magnified-to-absurdity within their Hero: the Orange pandemic-of-One, who has neither compass, notebook nor any of the main qualities for even becoming/accepting Responsibility! as an authentic Citizen of any wannabe-democracy.

This-all may be the cubic-closest-packed Reason--after the inescapable infinite-caviling--for this veritable denouement-in-slow(-minded)-motion, within which we daily must endure. (And any notion of 'returning to civility! mocks the realization that: there IS 'no return') as that uncivility which defines the very Model of this country ever since The Puritans, spawning The Slavers: made *Uncivility its M.O. in all things.
* and its step-son, Cruelty

Isn't it obvious? that when 'government'-itself is mocked as 'gummint' by every mouth-breather: the hostility towards --> self-government ... IS the leitmotif? [see: Dickie Wagner]. This was epitomized (in my early days) by 'My Gramma'--the Bircher. aka: akin to Al Capp's The Schmoo (tasted like chicken ..and each one was born pregnant) ... was not each prototypical 'Murican gestated in an enviro which Despises "governance" of any sort whatsoever?

Rest case; (if it's not a q.e.d. then) ..nevermind.
¿Maybe that that E Pluribus Unum fantasy is the largest oxymoron contained within the Orange-peoples' wetware? To be truly 'Murican you must lie-to-self, every waking hour. Follow the Dear Leader in all matters.

Deja vu, 1933 Xenophobia becomes self-Hatred (except for those descended from the Occupants from whom all was stolen) Love. It. (or Leave. It?)