Anyone.. Admin et al? catch this??

Lang-Lang ... Mozart Piano Concerto ..appassionata all the-f'ing-Way into bliss.
Along with history of the birth of the Cleveland O. in 1918: The only symphony O. founded by a woman ... and before they could even Vote (in this back-assard tribe.).
This performance I rate #1 of ∑ previous auditions, from the first note not merely flawless but (as is the aim of the Cleveland O.) with "that which.. most-likely evokes" the felt-meaning of the composer/first player, Wolfgang! in this case. [Sadly his piano didn't sound exactly like This one]
Lang-Lang bloody-well Got It, grokked-to-Fullness.

Not-pot-boilers additionally ... Symphonic Fantasy on Die Frau Ȍhne Schatten [Woman sans a shadow]. cf. above...another Woman!

Prolly available with/without PBS's pay wall re some repeats. I shall call it up as a palate cleanser after abiding such egregious discord as ..just-a-few words from any of the plenitude ... of modrin Troglodytes.

* As another mentioned recently: PBS used to offer us classical music regularly; lately between talking-heads they give us noise-beloved-solely of 18 y'os and regularly 'twixt ADs and even -interrupting!- speakers: many anti-musical noises ...
This makes up for maybe 50 of those; may they get feedback about their current banal perfidy. A 'nation' which ever devolves into Only! crap mechano-'musik' robs every child with nascent-musical Senses of ... what Adult music Can be. I am unanimous in that. If 'Garage Band' is ALL they have ever heard? well, you know ...

OK: Get OFF my musical lawn.