Timothy D. Naegele sneers at today’s news:
Today, the “enemy” consists of Robert Mueller and his “deep state” actors, all of whom should be imprisoned—where true justice will be meted out by their fellow inmates.

Woodward and Bernstein are pathetic relics of the past, along with the rest of FAKE NEWS.
Alas for Naegele, an internet yields up not merely the website of his blog (sample entry: “Should Barack Obama Be Executed For Treason?”) and for his “law office”, but also this incidental intelligence that, notwithstanding his assertion that “Timothy D. Naegele & Associates” maintains offices in Washington DC and in Los Angeles, his license to practice law has been suspended in the former venue and rescinded in the latter.

I look forward to harassing the sucker whenever he pokes his head up within my sight online.
