the dis-US; ignorance ✓ duplicity/disingenuousness ✓ fecklessness ✓ ..sure, that and more, but IDIOCY?
Now converging --> ● is the ∑ of the "illegal voters" scam==31 found in a billion! per a careful study, and all the Gerrymandering and other purely-illegal voter-suppression details. But if a one doesn't/can't read..

So each day next: ALL remains entirely a Crap Shoot ..if we get all the way to Nov. 6 without (?) an actual implosion.
PS: check my post on the detailed psych-analysis of Drumpf: re the pair: Authoritarian/Follower. As oft mentioned in these parts: it IS the Murican-peeple more at fault than this Psycho-in-Chief. Gullibility Kills.

Luck to us all (including the n animal species ..a bit further along this greased ramp.)