Even moi can follow the progression; shall have to digest the mass later, when in Logic-102 mode (..a mindset I try to eschew more nowadays) than in those halcyon days before Science Itself became 'controversial' within the devolved zeitgeist. I doubt that more than a handful of the faux-governing parts of the Cabal,could appreciate/would even try to read ..such a summary of these n+1 either/ors necessary: to grok this even to a mediocre level.

(I don't try to teach cats calculus, nor any random Trumpist what the phrase "deductive Reasoning" demands of the jelloware.) Futility sucks. At least though, the Worker Bees in IT at various levels in 'Security' appear to be relatively immune to the doggerel of the current Appointees* heading the Cabinet positions (invariably awarded to ones whose sole aim is unDoing whatever is the actual raison d'etre of that group.)