Muricans have traded the word shame for the word comfort, and passed-on the herd behaviour to their spawn. Efficiently, it seems.
Yep. Even if it were someone I supported, I would HAVE to protest because of the threat issued.

Of course, when the local/national papers interviewed me (never go quietly), I'd explain that while I may support the individual, I cannot support the threat to our Freedoms.

They surrendered their Freedom for a diploma.

How many people surrendered their lives so that their great-great-great grand children could have those Freedoms?

If those kids had learned history and ethics, that stadium should have been EMPTY after that threat.

Every diploma issued went to a willing fascist minion.

I hereby dedicate "Schindler's List" to that class.

And, to tie this in with everything else, I see people here complaining that other people do not willingly sacrifice their lives so that terrorists do not threaten US. Yet here is a prime example of how brave our own people are. These kids weren't even being threatened with death, or physical harm or losing their possessions.

The surrendered their freedoms for a diploma.

Under threat of not receiving a diploma.

And being jailed for a few days.

Compare that to how much other people have suffered to gain a FRACTION of those freedoms.

This is the decline. Keep the sheep fat, warm and happy and they'll never complain until it's their turn at the abatoir.