He doesn't care about substance, it's all about how he can spin some handshake and walking down a red carpet. That's all that matters to him.

He said today something like, "I'll know within the first minute whether the meeting is going to be a success or not."


Plus, he lies about everything so we really should ignore his take on anything he opens his mouth about.

I saw that Bolton was lurking on Donnie's right in the remarks he made in Quebec at the G7 today. Supposedly Bolton's not going to the Kim meeting, but I wouldn't be surprised if there were a change of plans about that. Bolton wants to do a Libya on the DPRK, Donnie wants his BMOC photo-op but doesn't care about the details. It'll be interesting to see which faction comes out on top.

And, of course, Kim has his role to play and I'm sure his team has been working on moves for just about every possible monkey wrench that Donnie tries to throw in it. It seems almost certain that Kim's stature will increase, and tensions between the US and Japan and the ROK will increase (or they'll ignore us).

The Korean War should have ended decades ago. The longer it festered, the higher the price that would have to be paid. I'm actually glad that the US is talking with the DPRK - 65 years (with a few gaps) of not talking with them hasn't solved the problem - , but of course it's ridiculous the way Trump and his team are going about it.
