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New The substance of a Move-on petition: + Hedy Lamarr on PBS: don't miss it.

A dozen Google employees are quitting to protest Google’s plans to help the Pentagon automate drone targeting. [1]

This is huge. The Pentagon’s drone warfare program is already notorious for killing civilians. The new Google-Pentagon plan, called Project Maven, would automate remote assassination even further by using artificial intelligence to identify human targets. What’s more, the Trump administration blatantly ignored their most recent deadline to report drone casualties. Our chances of learning the names of civilians killed by secret Google drones — or even the number — are nearly zero.

With Project Maven, Google can claim to keep their hands clean while they’re automating the business of death.

That’s why it’s such a big deal that these brave Google employees stepped up to tell another story. But they’re up against a tech giant and the powerful Pentagon. They need to know you have their back.

Add your name to stand with the Google employees who quit and demand Google pull out of Project Maven.

While only about a dozen Google employees quit, their brave actions could spark a sea change in the tech sector’s dangerous history of partnerships with the Pentagon.

In addition to the handful of Google employees who quit, thousands more have signed a letter of protest to the company. But this is still an incredibly under-reported story. That’s where we come in.

The Google employees who quit are shining a spotlight on the under-the-table dangers of the Pentagon’s drone warfare. We can’t let this window to make change fall by the wayside. We’ve got to keep their momentum going.

Petition if so inclined..

(Sometimes I've observed actual consequences of such.. ensue. FWIW and contrary to suppositions.)
I also note, after some months of keeping-Score; many 'urgent' pieces of information I note on Democracy Now [while muting the audio breaks, often] doesn't ever make it to amy meeja-of-occasional-Substance; there's so-Much just-fucking-Noise always distraction. By design. Which is why Evil wins so often?

The PBS special tonight on Hedy Lamar--also Physics-ept!--explains why she was much more than just a raving beaurty. 'They' call it an antecedent of Wi-Fi, for mass consumption; what it Was was a foreshadowing of the microwave specrtrum and all which was --> coming.
(Not the least of her effects: the fact that A Woman can do cerebral labor second-to-None: in the Puritan/still-hypocritical Mjurica of the 30s.) Even.

Lots of historical material/within Nazi Germany, along with the other remarkable facets of this intelligent, educated beauty.. ...

PPS: she had idea of a radio-controlled torpedo against the then-winning U-Boats/a critical-time for this need. Marvelous, this mere-'Star in pix'. "Frequency-hopping!" was her contribution [indirectly..] to Mr. Price (the then-expert on such theories.) Wish I could have been the fly-on-wall whenever her magnificent imagination was Problem-solving {{sigh}}

She wanted, above all: Hitler DEAD. She was 'better' than Edison: she Understood the math, physics; she conceived using radio to comm. with torpedo, using "the piano roll" as model for the 'code sent' ... ... the idiot-Naval resource person dismissed this invention. Etc. Such Fuels [/Inspector Clouseau] So she next concentrated on selling War Bonds, never tiring of ... Hitler DEAD/the Prime objective.. constantly. X $$MIllions resulted from that effort: in '40s Dollars.

/Me Wants a copy of this PBS flic! (Pity she wasn't welcomed to Manhattan Project; shake-up Dick Feynman, Segré for a start..?)
Collapse Edited by Ashton May 19, 2018, 12:19:48 AM EDT
The substance of a Move-on petition:

A dozen Google employees are quitting to protest Google’s plans to help the Pentagon automate drone targeting. [1]

This is huge. The Pentagon’s drone warfare program is already notorious for killing civilians. The new Google-Pentagon plan, called Project Maven, would automate remote assassination even further by using artificial intelligence to identify human targets. What’s more, the Trump administration blatantly ignored their most recent deadline to report drone casualties. Our chances of learning the names of civilians killed by secret Google drones — or even the number — are nearly zero.

With Project Maven, Google can claim to keep their hands clean while they’re automating the business of death.

That’s why it’s such a big deal that these brave Google employees stepped up to tell another story. But they’re up against a tech giant and the powerful Pentagon. They need to know you have their back.

Add your name to stand with the Google employees who quit and demand Google pull out of Project Maven.

While only about a dozen Google employees quit, their brave actions could spark a sea change in the tech sector’s dangerous history of partnerships with the Pentagon.

In addition to the handful of Google employees who quit, thousands more have signed a letter of protest to the company. But this is still an incredibly under-reported story. That’s where we come in.

The Google employees who quit are shining a spotlight on the under-the-table dangers of the Pentagon’s drone warfare. We can’t let this window to make change fall by the wayside. We’ve got to keep their momentum going.

Petition if so inclined..

(Sometimes I've observed actual consequences of such.. ensue. FWIW and contrary to suppositions.)
I also note, after some months of keeping-Score; many 'urgent' pieces of information I note on Democracy Now [while muting the audio breaks, often] doesn't ever make it to amy meeja-of-occasional-Substance; there's so-Much just-fucking-Noise always distraction. By design. Which is why Evil wins so often?

The PBS special tonight on Hedy Lamar--also Physics-ept!--explains why she was much more than just a raving beaurty. 'They' call it an antecedent of Wi-Fi, for mass consumption; what it Was was a foreshadowing of the microwave specrtrum and all which was --> coming.
(Not the least of her effects: the fact that A Woman can do cerebral labor second-to-None: in the Puritan/still-hypocritical Mjurica of the 30s.) Even.
Collapse Edited by Ashton May 19, 2018, 12:41:24 AM EDT
The substance of a Move-on petition:

A dozen Google employees are quitting to protest Google’s plans to help the Pentagon automate drone targeting. [1]

This is huge. The Pentagon’s drone warfare program is already notorious for killing civilians. The new Google-Pentagon plan, called Project Maven, would automate remote assassination even further by using artificial intelligence to identify human targets. What’s more, the Trump administration blatantly ignored their most recent deadline to report drone casualties. Our chances of learning the names of civilians killed by secret Google drones — or even the number — are nearly zero.

With Project Maven, Google can claim to keep their hands clean while they’re automating the business of death.

That’s why it’s such a big deal that these brave Google employees stepped up to tell another story. But they’re up against a tech giant and the powerful Pentagon. They need to know you have their back.

Add your name to stand with the Google employees who quit and demand Google pull out of Project Maven.

While only about a dozen Google employees quit, their brave actions could spark a sea change in the tech sector’s dangerous history of partnerships with the Pentagon.

In addition to the handful of Google employees who quit, thousands more have signed a letter of protest to the company. But this is still an incredibly under-reported story. That’s where we come in.

The Google employees who quit are shining a spotlight on the under-the-table dangers of the Pentagon’s drone warfare. We can’t let this window to make change fall by the wayside. We’ve got to keep their momentum going.

Petition if so inclined..

(Sometimes I've observed actual consequences of such.. ensue. FWIW and contrary to suppositions.)
I also note, after some months of keeping-Score; many 'urgent' pieces of information I note on Democracy Now [while muting the audio breaks, often] doesn't ever make it to amy meeja-of-occasional-Substance; there's so-Much just-fucking-Noise always distraction. By design. Which is why Evil wins so often?

The PBS special tonight on Hedy Lamar--also Physics-ept!--explains why she was much more than just a raving beaurty. 'They' call it an antecedent of Wi-Fi, for mass consumption; what it Was was a foreshadowing of the microwave specrtrum and all which was --> coming.
(Not the least of her effects: the fact that A Woman can do cerebral labor second-to-None: in the Puritan/still-hypocritical Mjurica of the 30s.) Even.

Lots of historical material/within Nazi Germany, along with the other remarkable facets of this intelligent, educated beauty.. ...
Collapse Edited by Ashton May 19, 2018, 12:53:42 AM EDT
The substance of a Move-on petition: + Hedy Lamar on PBS: don't miss it.

A dozen Google employees are quitting to protest Google’s plans to help the Pentagon automate drone targeting. [1]

This is huge. The Pentagon’s drone warfare program is already notorious for killing civilians. The new Google-Pentagon plan, called Project Maven, would automate remote assassination even further by using artificial intelligence to identify human targets. What’s more, the Trump administration blatantly ignored their most recent deadline to report drone casualties. Our chances of learning the names of civilians killed by secret Google drones — or even the number — are nearly zero.

With Project Maven, Google can claim to keep their hands clean while they’re automating the business of death.

That’s why it’s such a big deal that these brave Google employees stepped up to tell another story. But they’re up against a tech giant and the powerful Pentagon. They need to know you have their back.

Add your name to stand with the Google employees who quit and demand Google pull out of Project Maven.

While only about a dozen Google employees quit, their brave actions could spark a sea change in the tech sector’s dangerous history of partnerships with the Pentagon.

In addition to the handful of Google employees who quit, thousands more have signed a letter of protest to the company. But this is still an incredibly under-reported story. That’s where we come in.

The Google employees who quit are shining a spotlight on the under-the-table dangers of the Pentagon’s drone warfare. We can’t let this window to make change fall by the wayside. We’ve got to keep their momentum going.

Petition if so inclined..

(Sometimes I've observed actual consequences of such.. ensue. FWIW and contrary to suppositions.)
I also note, after some months of keeping-Score; many 'urgent' pieces of information I note on Democracy Now [while muting the audio breaks, often] doesn't ever make it to amy meeja-of-occasional-Substance; there's so-Much just-fucking-Noise always distraction. By design. Which is why Evil wins so often?

The PBS special tonight on Hedy Lamar--also Physics-ept!--explains why she was much more than just a raving beaurty. 'They' call it an antecedent of Wi-Fi, for mass consumption; what it Was was a foreshadowing of the microwave specrtrum and all which was --> coming.
(Not the least of her effects: the fact that A Woman can do cerebral labor second-to-None: in the Puritan/still-hypocritical Mjurica of the 30s.) Even.

Lots of historical material/within Nazi Germany, along with the other remarkable facets of this intelligent, educated beauty.. ...

PPS: she had idea of a radio-controlled torpedo against the then-winning U-Boats/a critical-time for this need. Marvelous, this mere-'Star in pix'. "Frequency-hopping!" was her contribution [indirectly..] to Mr. Price (the then-expert on such theories.) Wish I could have been the fly-on-wall whenever her magnificent imagination was Problem-solving {{sigh}}
Collapse Edited by Ashton May 19, 2018, 02:08:10 AM EDT
The substance of a Move-on petition: + Hedy Lamarr on PBS: don't miss it.

A dozen Google employees are quitting to protest Google’s plans to help the Pentagon automate drone targeting. [1]

This is huge. The Pentagon’s drone warfare program is already notorious for killing civilians. The new Google-Pentagon plan, called Project Maven, would automate remote assassination even further by using artificial intelligence to identify human targets. What’s more, the Trump administration blatantly ignored their most recent deadline to report drone casualties. Our chances of learning the names of civilians killed by secret Google drones — or even the number — are nearly zero.

With Project Maven, Google can claim to keep their hands clean while they’re automating the business of death.

That’s why it’s such a big deal that these brave Google employees stepped up to tell another story. But they’re up against a tech giant and the powerful Pentagon. They need to know you have their back.

Add your name to stand with the Google employees who quit and demand Google pull out of Project Maven.

While only about a dozen Google employees quit, their brave actions could spark a sea change in the tech sector’s dangerous history of partnerships with the Pentagon.

In addition to the handful of Google employees who quit, thousands more have signed a letter of protest to the company. But this is still an incredibly under-reported story. That’s where we come in.

The Google employees who quit are shining a spotlight on the under-the-table dangers of the Pentagon’s drone warfare. We can’t let this window to make change fall by the wayside. We’ve got to keep their momentum going.

Petition if so inclined..

(Sometimes I've observed actual consequences of such.. ensue. FWIW and contrary to suppositions.)
I also note, after some months of keeping-Score; many 'urgent' pieces of information I note on Democracy Now [while muting the audio breaks, often] doesn't ever make it to amy meeja-of-occasional-Substance; there's so-Much just-fucking-Noise always distraction. By design. Which is why Evil wins so often?

The PBS special tonight on Hedy Lamar--also Physics-ept!--explains why she was much more than just a raving beaurty. 'They' call it an antecedent of Wi-Fi, for mass consumption; what it Was was a foreshadowing of the microwave specrtrum and all which was --> coming.
(Not the least of her effects: the fact that A Woman can do cerebral labor second-to-None: in the Puritan/still-hypocritical Mjurica of the 30s.) Even.

Lots of historical material/within Nazi Germany, along with the other remarkable facets of this intelligent, educated beauty.. ...

PPS: she had idea of a radio-controlled torpedo against the then-winning U-Boats/a critical-time for this need. Marvelous, this mere-'Star in pix'. "Frequency-hopping!" was her contribution [indirectly..] to Mr. Price (the then-expert on such theories.) Wish I could have been the fly-on-wall whenever her magnificent imagination was Problem-solving {{sigh}}

She wanted, above all: Hitler DEAD. She was 'better' than Edison: she Understood the math, physics; she conceived using radio to comm. with torpedo, using "the piano roll" as model for the 'code sent' ... ... the idiot-BNaval resourc person dismissed this invention. Etc. Sych Fuels [/Inspector Clouseau] So she next concentrated on selling War Bons, never tiring of ... Hitler DEAD/the Prime objective.. constantly. X $$$MIllions resulted in that: in '40s Dollars.

/Me Wants a copy of this PBS flic! (Pity she wasn't welcomed to Manhattan Project; shake-up Dick Feynman for a start..?)
New DVR set. Thanks!
In my case, that particulat American Masters is on Monday night.

"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."

-- Isaac Asimov
     The substance of a Move-on petition: + Hedy Lamarr on PBS: don't miss it. - (Ashton) - (1)
         DVR set. Thanks! - (a6l6e6x)

Sir, my point must have hit home, because your ego is leaking badly.
37 ms