As to your succinct screed: er, Me-too™ ... every word.

It daily Sucks-more, just to realize that I am enmeshed within such a STUPID-mob of blathering morons as: STILL! abide these crooks/liars/megalomaniacs, so in-thrall to this Carney Barker as to miss ALL of the Points of his sociopathy, greed and general Evil-personified.

As mentioned earlier: This One , historically may un-seat Der Führer, and maybe even Him + Stalin, should we extrapolate his $Bs-for --> more friendly/USEABLE nukes in his wannabe Arsenal-of-Hatred for all living things-not-Him.

Yup, middle-Murica: You'unses SUCK [math] n! [/math]
And screw your 'Christian'-ISIS bedfellows the MOST (of you-all hypocrites.)

[OK: that's the short-form, por moi.] Next: Eat The Rich; a National crusade for the Rest of us
(But first: the Tar & Feathers: we deserve a little comic relief from these humorless Calvinist idiots.)