is his megalomania+Narcissism PLUS: insatiable necessity to "have this brain full of stupid-shit" thence randomly spew-forth, at any time: whatever just flows from that mess-inside.
Methinks his inability to self-censor the large %drivel within ... as precisely in This case ... may make the difference between the millions of legal docs now piling
(and the difficulty ever of showing All the connections clearly enough for limited attention spans everywhere)

..and a thorough-Convincing of the 'jurors' via ALL/∑!! that morass; Case needs for final-nail-before-jail: His Own self-fubars, now digitally stored beyond any erasure.
(Liar-proving-he-IS-a-Liar.. could even undo a few of the evangelical-hypocrites and parts of the mouth-breather contingent? Yeah you can't ever count on That, though.)