So it seems that it's not just the Murican Taliban/Puritans amongst us who use their genitalia to fuck-up (rather than some other proposition.) Common-denominator: Testosterone?
..just a hunch, mind you. It's just the case that damn few females are ever accused-rapists n'such.

We Know that Muricans are not ready for self-governance (let alone self-Government) but isn't it a bit of a s t r e t c h . . . to find that so many may not even be capable of er, "handling well":
anything beyond asexual-reproduction? (..kinda hard to screw That up, you'd think) but maybe that too. Worth a try maybe. Mayhap the bad-actors could be sentenced to some time period.. allowed Only to watch the porn-of-choice? in a special room, supervised by a certain ankle-bracelet w/hypodermic needle employed when any other means of stimulation is detected;
Bad-ju-ju if triggered. Probably beats regular flogging though, as perps need their strength for that daily work in the salt mines.

We'll prey for you, Murican Atheists.