It just couldn't make Sense to utterly scrap them all, BUT.. exporting a Toxic+Unlawful Coup to some place [with an EPA run by another Scott er, Pruitt (!!)] ... sans any (worse mileage/better emanations FIX) would be: well, you Know..

Anyway, seeing all the new Monster Cars being bought (never mind the gigundo new Trucks Not 'working on jobs' models but.. say, Daddy playing Hero Mammoth-thing Owner?) it's clear that a %huge of that yammering Vox Populi have still no slightest interest in learning how to assist personally in merely reasonable concern/Care! of the Planet etc etc. We're still in Clueless-Me-be-Comfortable-at-all cost status ... just look at what passes you on the road. Or parked in that 'Compacts' slot leaving you no way to open the door.

{{Sheesh #666}}