Am willing to bet that (optimistically) maybe 1.33? percent of Muricans could recite the Scheme of Living Things aka
Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species (..sub-Species) ... even approximately..
(Maybe the bio equivalent of the Periodic Chart of the Elements? as would also be Greek to the same vast majority.)

So what can we expect from such an EdjaKayshunal 'system' as breeds these non-(voting-with-Thought)-nonCitizens? {{sigh}}
As with the Bulletin's Clock, surely in 2018 we remain a few feet from the mouth of that allegorical Cave, watching all those shadows on the wall.. to utter ZZZzzzzzzz

We ARE now The Eloi. But worse: just now actively trashing (that bookcase of mouldering paper-debris) whilst in the book: they just ignored what was there.