Woman: Whadd'ya lose?

Seeker: It was this Byte-Coin, "PROOF that Math is Grreat!!! Complete and Error-free." It's shiny and has exquisite enameled layers from the Age of Enlightenment; see, I did come across here some differential equations (y'know, Great for making bridges, hydraulics and nuclear weapons) and even an area of Hilbert Space nearby: but my mind went blank when I peeked in; nothing but Feynman diagrams, talking it seemed .. for the longest time. What Day is this?)

Sorry again, this may be an offshoot of just catching a discussion of, whether we should (consider giving) robots, as AI umm "progresses": Civil Rights-just-like-humans. [??]

(I blame this on Drumpf+firestorms and the whole fucking Zeitgeist du jour. And Leibniz.)