I'm a big kid and I like playing video games.

So I got these two at the tail end of last week. D2 is an online shooter that's enormous fun but a bit grindy. The plot is just OK and it's hard to give a crap about the protagonists, but then that's not the point. There's a solid single-player campaign and it's neatly done so that you can hop in and out of it - the whole campaign takes place in the multiplayer world - so if a campaign mission is a bit crunchy, you can level up in the MP world for a bit, then go back to it. 8/10, will play lots.

W2 is a single-player shooter that, for a game that is literally just about killing Nazis, has, like its predecessor, surprising emotional depth and powerful characterisation. The voice acting is top notch - I especially enjoyed the Jewish scientist, Set - and the setting and storytelling is compelling (remember, the gameplay is literally just "kill all the Nazis"). Also, the game has actual Nazis really upset that there's a game about killing Nazis. So that's a plus.

Both of these games run at a solid 60fps at 1440p on my computer, which is a 3470 i5 with 24GB of RAM, and an Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB graphics card.