Forces the health-physics mavens to take several more ganders at the Probabilities of alll gamma et al exposures:
from daily, tiny doses all-a-Integrating and onto larger/spike events.
('course too, ya need some forensics of his exact placement+barriers intervening: to get at least a guesstimate of what he has adsorbed.)

I recall reading the* I Demur* of a physicist way-back in early '60s (began with a 'W' -Wahl IIRC?)) while traveling on a train in Euro, as he attempted to direct attention to
our Iggerance of lifetime-effects of such cumulative, persistent dosages. He received the expected tribal dudgeon of the Experts du jour,
Science possessing no immunity to such pedestrian groupthink, we see*.

* cf. Boltzmann's Atom [David LIndley], for one.. (Thanx Scott, for that tip.)