You're wife's friend is indeed a little odd. :-/

I'm really sorry that you (and so many others) are going through all that. It's a huge disaster. :-(

I'm glad you got a bit of a respite with your daughter and the pooches. It's a shame that you can't stay there a couple of weeks (or more), but we all have our constraints and our comfort levels.

The water-in-the-gas thing I hasn't thought about - it's always something. :-( . But I'm trying to figure out how it happens if the station isn't flooded. Leaks at the filling pipes simply as a result of all the rain?? In general, if water can get in, then gas can get out (especially since gas 'floats' on water), so the soil may be contaminated, also too. I wouldn't want to be around those stations even when they dry out... :-(

Hang in there and don't let it grind you down. You'll all get through this.

Let us know if we can help.
