Un-Registered people here: whose cases could be won (re. fleeing local lethal circumstances)
..were these EZ- victims of ICE able to afford an attorney, or even knew How.

By not showing up--as ICE now grabs people IN Court-houses, by schools and other atrocious ways--when a court is stacked like THIS one, where 2-of-3 'Judges' do not even consider: the ones in actual peril, were they sent back. UNLESS/UNTIL a merely average lawyer States Their Case competently: well, you know; hardly news about sleeping under that bridge, Rich/Poor..

Murica REALLY palpably-sucks now (if you hadn't been out much to notice.) And amidst all the premeditated-Noise, who's got the time for takin notes.

(On at Noon here.) ~40 min into the hour, this.
More Drumpf trying to get his Numbers up by feeding his voracious basest-Base evah.

Add-to-List, near where you keep the
