I would have told him that while it might be, for a few seconds, satisfying to shoot these stooges of the Monied Ruling Class, it would be counter-productive to do so. I would have tried to make him understand that the problem is not Republican politicians, nor even Trump. The problem is the people who voted for them and continue to support them to this day. That'd be, roughly 38% of our countrymen ( https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/trump-approval-ratings/ ) or somewhere north of 90 million people. If you actually do manage to assassinate one or more of those bastards, you'll actually drive them and their philosophy deeper into the hearts and minds of those 90 million people by making them martyrs. That is definitely not something that any reasonable person desires.

The guy was a housing inspector, right? How many people who'd lost their homes due to the greed of Wall Street and their enabling stooges in the House, Senate and White House do you think he might have run into? I believe his anger was understandable and I've certainly posted here that I thought an armed revolution was possible. In the end, I just don't believe there are enough patriotic Americans to attempt armed rebellion.