Honestly, Scott: If you end up on that side time and time again, don't you think it's time to re-think some of your basic postulates?

To paraphrase Forrest Gump, "Arsehole is as arsehole does". I haven't so far counted you among people who actually are -- by virtue of doing, all the time -- arseholes, but... This aspect of you certainly is. How, by the way, do you reconcile it with the rest of your persona? Can you actually go on being the intelligent and thoughtful person you usually come off as, while writing this totally-opposite sh...tuff?

I'd have thought the contrast must be so gut-wrenching it's just not possible. Or is it some kind of Jekyll-and-Hyde thing, where you sometimes transofrm into this rabid leader of the Dick Cheney Fan Club, but afterwards have no clear recollection of the episode...?