..with in-water and on-ice REAL up-close encounters with Leopard seals, some starved-to-death Polar bears and.. a detailed fascinating--while horrifying--description of just how Antarctica is faring..
amidst the utter disdain of the Troglodytes and the {tacit} message so evident on inspection ... ... ...

Time IS Running Out.. for So Much on this dumbth-directed once-lovely Planet, now so horrifically trashed by the ignorant-and-Damn-Proud. huddled/but Ever-buying buying! masses:

He's a voluminous, accurate and stirring narrator of many encounters at arms-length ....and the entire program is free of preaching to the converted about our responsibilities to
the billions of living creatures we will Take With Us into Perdition .. as we carefully ponder the next stuff Needed/and the batch to the landfill.