They're worse. Watched a Reuters streaming report where they were interviewing people in Ohio. A CEO of a local concern said Trump was doing a fine job. He was a little troubled by the sabre rattling, but overall he thought he was doing well. The next person to be interviewed was a woman running her own hair care shop. She was impressed with Trump so far because, "He speaks his mind. He says whatever he thinks. That's good and we haven't had that in a long time." When asked if she was troubled by the millions of dollars spent flying his arse down to FL every week-end, she said that didn't trouble her because ... wait for it ... he paid for it with his own money. When corrected that the taxpayer was footing the bill she said, "Oh, I don't believe that. Why would he use taxpayer money? He's got his own money. I'm sure he's paying his own travel expenses."

It's enough to turn you into a Kim Jong Un fan.