* er, successfully
is that we suppose that Other, superficially Less-complex matters as Will arise: would.. Should! fucking-A Be equally attended-to (coming close to Our celebrated successes.)

{{sigh-me Too}}

But the above lore is inextricably (!) intertwined with the satisfiction? we gets--first observing some involuted clusterfuck/an accumulation of band-aids now gone wrong,
(and the Applicator persons long ago left the room)--and somehow ..parsing the mess into solvable bits and Succeeding. amIright?

BUT some such agglomerations (like say, the overall interdependent tiny tasks which get "the geese" aboard and strapped-in, then fed something, etc.
just CAN'T! prepare for, say: a bloody SHOE-bomber? and like that.

The above conceivably Brand-destroying over-reaction was the problem here; the Absence of instant Imagination of next priorities, how to invoke the best-fit etc. ...
THAT absence demonstrates to all that THIS particular Corp. when faced with a sick-in for example: will/Did "drop the atom bomb on Luxemborg".

I believe that makes it a Fair Cop that: United should join BOAC, PanAm, Hughes (!?) and a passel of other marques now found only in collector memorabilia.
They earned the obloquy. The old-fashioned way, that of (NOT-) being. an ass. Rest case.