Natasha Lenard at Esquire

Yup, the Mofo-in-Chief is ... simply ..and as simplistically: ... a bloody Bircher == just as bat-shit as My Gramma™. A small 'prooflet':

I (still) possess in an envelope ~somewhere in a teak desk: some stickers-du-jour; amidst these is a BLUE one with the catchy Bircher-code-I.D.:

Support Your Local Police

His entire politico-4th Grade vocab is--we Have seen--arrayed around THIS and similar mindless slogans of the John Birch Society™
His STD-for-him-BS phrase about [fill in blanks about our oft disrespected, wonderful Bastions of Law n'Order,)
aka their surrogates at his Party Meetings whenever he ejaculated:

Get Him Outta Here!!!

THOSE are/were/Will Be his fucking Brownshirts, whatever puce or peach variant-outfits might next be chosen..