Without doubt, the worst course I ever had in my collegiate career was in Econ. It was during Reagan's Reign of Error and the prof I had was a "better dead than red" fan. One day he said, "Everyone knows the Soviets have free health care for everyone. But from my reading and understanding, once you reach a certain age in the Soviet Union, they cut you off. You can't get medical care of any kind." I immediately raised my hand and asked, "Where did you read that? The John Birch Society Press? Have you ever been to the Soviet Union? Do you personally know any Soviet Citizens?"

Wasn't received well and a tense back and forth followed. I ended the spat with words that echo yours. I said, "Look, there's plenty enough to criticize the Bolsheviks about without resorting to making things up. You discredit yourself as a reliable source of information when you make such comments."