Via KOS and of course Twitter.

Neil deGrasse Tyson‏ @neiltyson
We all want to Make America Great Again. But that won't happen until we first Make America Smart Again.

Neil deGrasse Tyson‏ @neiltyson
The very best way to support and feed your delusions: Surround yourself with people whose world views match yours exactly.

Neil deGrasse Tyson‏ @neiltyson
We can all imagine a land that provides no support for Art. But is that a place you’d want to Live? To Visit? To Play?

Neil deGrasse Tyson‏ @neiltyson
The fastest way to melt glaciers & flood the World's coastal cities: Ignore scientists and do nothing to stem the rise of CO2

Neil deGrasse Tyson‏ @neiltyson
The fastest way to thwart Earth's life-support systems for us all: Turn EPA into EDA — the Environmental Destruction Agency.

Neil deGrasse Tyson‏ @neiltyson
The fastest way to Make America Stupid: Cut funds to programs that support education.

Neil deGrasse Tyson‏ @neiltyson
The fastest way to Make America Sick Again: Cut funding to the National Institutes of Health

Neil deGrasse Tyson‏ @neiltyson
The fastest way to Make a America Weak Again: Cut science funds to our agencies that support it.

..and So it GOES ...
synapse-by-synapse: The dis-US as HAL-9000 ... being mentally-Drumpfed-as-we-watch(ed.)