Jordan Peele is no longer a comic actor who also writes. Now he's a director who got his start in comedy.

Horror movies usually involve a protagonist who can't believe the bad thing is really happening until it's too late. When that bad thing is a ghost or mummy, you kind of accept that they wouldn't believe it.

In this one, the bad thing is a rich, white community apparently accepting a white girl's black boyfriend, but he has a nagging feeling that he's not really welcome. She keeps telling him he's over-reacting, he keeps wanting to believe she's right.

Besides a great premise - being black in America you're already living in a horror movie - the execution is top notch. Great performances all around; jump scares that actually work, and you enjoy that he got you; a final act where the protagonist doesn't do all the stupid tropes that horror protagonists always do.

See this one in a theater, preferably one with a racially mixed audience. Worth the money.