NOW they are targeting EVERYTHING ALIVE, so from my P.O.V
It is already Blood-in-the-Streets Time

NOW they are coming for THE ANIMALS all over: even mere ANTI-CRUELTY regulations PLUS ALL PREVIOUS website data summarily trashed.
This per HSUS (Humane Soc. of the U.S.)

The House of Representatives just voted to overturn a rule to protect grizzly bears from being caught in cruel steel-jaw leghold traps and suffering horribly for hours on end in Alaska’s national wildlife refuges.

Without warning or explanation, the U.S. Department of Agriculture purged its website of all government inspection reports on thousands of puppy mills, laboratories, roadside zoos and other facilities.

Bureaucratic bungling is allowing abuse of Tennessee walking horses to continue.

Animals are under attack. So many gains you've helped make for animals in recent years are in danger of being rolled back. Gutted. Eliminated.

Please, help stop this blatant attack on animals: Make an emergency gift today.

Animals rely on people from across the political spectrum to stand up for them. Republicans, Democrats and Independents alike are outraged that Congress, the new administration and the federal bureaucracy are taking actions that will lead to immense animal suffering.

With your support, we'll fight these rollbacks. We'll fight to ensure that bears, wolves and other animals on wildlife refuges in Alaska are spared the misery of being caught in cruel traps or shot in their dens. We'll work to persuade the USDA to stop covering up for animal abusers. We'll work to get the rule that prohibits horse "soring" reinstated, so that Tennessee Walking Horses will endure that pain no longer.

[. . .]
Clearly, this cabal IS NOW USING IT Techno at an accelerated rate to ERASE priceless data from any citizen perusal. This has nothing whatsoever to do with 'cost saving' or any non-nefarious purpose I can imagine. You?
[Will they have destroyed all backups, too? We have no legislation on such willful nay treasonous activities except maybe.. those re mental health?]

IT CAN ONLY BECOME WORSE as these Troglodytes perfect their coup until they *are* Nullified.
The Race to the Bottom has become a sprint, and I suspect that much Heat will arrive before any amount of Light shows up. We have just redefined Crass/Murican Style ... but there are no words on such a scale.

If we add everyone who has a pet to the LIST, and assume that the visceral-hatred spewed by the Perps shall become reciprocated by (all ANTI-s extant?)
I wonder how long it would take to extirpate this Fastest Clusterfuck Ever.
Clearly Bannon's actual intent IS: utter destruction, perhaps to build from the ashes: The Fourth Reich? ..over n! Heaped Dead Bodies, I wot.