The difficulty is that there is no solution for them. It is far easier to get a college degree today than it ever has been (assuming you are either a child of a top 10 per-center with parents who commit to getting you through financially OR you don't mind going several tens of thousands of dollars in debt to the criminal bankster class). But (and I was personally very late coming to this conclusion) education is not the answer. For the past 35 to 40 years we've undergone the technological revolution that was necessary to bring capitalism to its final stages of decay. For instance, GM sold 10 million cars for the first time in its history (largely due to exports to China). In 1979, GM's US workforce was over 600,000 and globally over 800,000. They produced around 6 million cars. Today, GM employs around 215,000 and they're producing at least 50% more cars. There are a variety of reasons for that, but chief among them is automation. Worse, the remaining employees are making far less in constant dollars than they did in the 1970's. I don't have an answer for them. I don't think anyone does.