Enroute to our eyeballs.

It's taken ~ three generations to reprise the Hollywood Ten, the successful prosecution of their thought-crimes and to describe the contributions of other My Grammas to this perfect-FAIL of the First Amendment
(and of many other aspects of that Freedom-thing Muricans love to sing anthems about.)

Among his works was Johnny Got His Gun, one viewing of which will doubtless create permanent memory in all but the already walking-dead. What he was, was Principled and we each know the rarity.
This flic should give a bit of the flavor of the Commyunist-under-every-bed, one of those consecutive Eras of The Ć’earez (which seems the characteristic main motivator ... here in the Land of the Brave.)

{But then too, nothing could have prepared us for the appearance on-stage of The 2015 Neo-Repo-con creature), now savagely cannibalizing itself. In front of non-Hollywood cameras, yet.