It's analogue! and each homo-sap seems to have own variant on some Gaussian-sorta curve.
(No wonder all the simplistic sortings-out lead to such comico-tragic ... tragico-comic outcomes, no matter how many textbooks plagiarize their predecessors.)

Love. It. (but many surely Hate. It.) 'It' being the simplistic advice to conform to a Standard that Isn't: a notion spawned early-on by the Robed-ones, natch. All the precursors of ISIS.

Also too, surely there will be a transistorized implant which allows a one to dial-in some new algorithm-mod for the chemical soup recipe of the moment: these will start out at $20K per gadget and soon go for the price of [an old-time 'theatre'-ticket, before the $10 popcorn.] We are such suckers for ..the 'New', quite before we ever grokked the Old.

And some do not believe in Cosmic humour ..still!