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The Poetry of Emily Dickinson -- Emily Dickinson is not only one of the supreme lyric poets of American literature. She has also come to symbolize the purest kind of artistic vocation. Not merely unrecognized but virtually unpublished in her own lifetime, she developed her genius in the utmost privacy, invisible to all except a small circle of family and friends. Driven only by her own imagination, she created a body of work unsurpassed in its expressive originality, penetrating insight, and dark beauty.
Forty hand-bound volumes of her work found, on her death. (She wanted her sister to burn her works, on her death. Fortunately she proved unreliable in this.)

A fount of one-liner similes, as applicable in the present Madness as ever. In a Religio- enviro, she eschewed [Corporate religion] in favor of the Individual Consciousness/and Conscience.
Obviously would be right at home in 2015, might have met Piet Hein [ Grooks ] but likely not driving a Veyron or sporting green hair.