But {intimidating} ..makes my input seem that of a mumbling mouth-breather, with delay loops for each neuron.
Now have to look into
There were Stratemeyer books about kids on motorcycles, kids in the woods, kids on the high seas, kids looking for gold, kids at boarding school, kids building motorcars — every sort of adventure he could think of.
(He's good at these short synopses..) Reminds of an early fantasy re. a small airplane I'd 'made' of wood/fabric just like the models ... hey, it might even have flown; and apropos of his boarding school settings mentioned: doubtless this handy day-dream was my earliest How do I get OUT of this chicken outfit? so-predictable psyche-escape M.O. (Mark I was the wood car/with a propeller; what did I know about gears and transmissions.) Things were so much simpler then, no wonder adults want to get Back.

Stratemeyer must have grokked-to-fullness, that-all and much more.. add-to-list. (Maiki is clearly a sponge who has fabricated a physiognomy, so as not to get pepper-sprayed and wrung-out ..by some passing cop.) Seems to be working, but don't tell anyone else.