It's hard to cover the loopholes in a society whose basic financial system is this corrupt, where there is little cohesiveness in the ensuing culture of, I've Got MIne/Fuck You, Jack (even if you live next door.. saw a recent case of that, re a small easement and the newly arrived plutocrat, wannabe-Gentry held out for a Usurious price + legals: the now-usual Murican Shit where brains re supposed to be.)

Ripping off the poorest is easier; they have virtually 0 legal remedies.. being just a paycheck short of joining the homeless at the next Landlord or other Gotcha.. You can't legislate ..even basic civility. Luck to the Solons on this one (I'd love to see retroactive damages to the Lot of these scummy perps. but there are no Unicorns, though it remains essential to hope there might be: for too fucking-many ... under that 'thumb' of MM's.)