Fresh Air
The Science of Touch

Why do certain things feel so good, or so bad? The show talks about pleasure, pain and the sense of touch, with neuroscientist David Linden, author of "Touch: The Science of Hand, Heart and Mind."
Johns Hopkins neuro- guy presents lots of factoids, but uncommonly well described and then woven into information, including: touch and emotion are deeply linked.

The analysis of the sensors for stroking, even its speed.. was revelatory as was, the argument for our revising of memories ... that they can be most useful to incorporating (say, all experiences since.) The scary part of that is his example of how to implant a Memory or 'memory' of an event in a 5 yo, via repetition (re-asking periodically, "do you remember when ____ happened?")
(Precisely how the Jesuits and Reactionaries overlap in their techniques? moi asks.)

Had most MDs the communicative talents of this self-described geek.. we might even be able to afford our style of medicine, via lots fewer chronic drop-ins?

Bon appetít (now you'll see where that Comes-from..)