This may somewhat exceed your target price-range, but that can't be helped. 'Want' has nothing to do with such silly matters:

[short list]
Audrey, of course for The Voice; if I am to hear it on every triviality of the day, it must be mellifluous and evocative of a (temporarily-Living) singing Charmer, speaking-as-if-music. Even about the weather.
(If speaking as/re some Cheney-like creature: she may improvise. Hideously, if apropos.)

The Paranoia plug-in must have an external, mechanical OFF-switch.
In conversation She may allude to a Black Shadow in context of some Hunter S. quote like, "Never create anything, it will be misinterpreted, it will chain you and follow you for the rest of your life.”
But not about riding one (unless perforce her automaton-replacement has done so: preferably á lá the late Rollie Free, at Bonneville, flat-out prone in swim-trunks. (He was a bit elderly for that gig; the record stood many years.) Geezer-power! suck it up, kiddies.

Pygmalion, realistic as Data (Spiner was.. perfection, I thought, considering how easily that character could have been over- or underdone.)
Why Not? be interacting with a hologram instead of the exact shape of the 'Beam ON' light of a particle accelerator?