(I would say..) unsurprisingly, given the situation of the entire dis-USA, and especially the ez/pragmatic approach to complex problems (as so often need complex hierarchies of "answers".) John Dewey, after all, lobbied (in education and elsewhere) for just this typically-American, 'streamlined' approach which he deemed appropriate for overhauling teaching, to accommodate the burgeoning masses. Book-length story, that, as you know.

Psychology (maybe particularly Psychiatry?) have always struck me as poster children for the pseudo-science category, where I still deem Econ to be its most evident example. (Mix in The pseudo-science of The Law! and there is a combination) in which 'competency' may be as hard to define as ever to regulate: as any of the game-able folklore on which so much is Decided in our many Systems. Ronson seems an unusually Honest guy (and I too wish he had added this caveat prominently! ..for all of the above.)

(I felt similarly.. as Conservator of an Uncle and Aunt: one was failing physically after a hip fracture/and a mistake in Meds--more Murican-type events--and the other already in advanced dementia.) Needing Power of Attorney, I made clear to my Uncle that it must be a Revocable instrument; he was lucid and nobody resigns their control of many things lightly; I also suggested he might want first to talk to an atty, etc. He chose not to, but were I in his shoes/bed actually: I'd want the matter put to me with the same caveats.

Ditto before ever taking such a 'Test' as this one! It seems a decent test, given the correlations at the high end, but (as said) any of us might score single-digits and that factoid alone says: Disregard below a carefully-set number. The Chainsaw anecdote needs also to be a part of the training.. It is Good that Hare also realizes the many ways in which incompetent/unobservant administration and especially interpretation, in-the-event and later.. must have oversight. The Power-trip looms large, in setting up effective overseers. Catch 21.5?

But this still is Murica; we can expect that many shall have their freedom curtailed on iffy grounds, however many Bundys are ID'd properly. (In comments: the Hodgdon criticism link is 404d :-/

I can't fathom how the canniest socio- would agree to such a test--or answer truthfully!--for all obvious reasons of an acute gamesmanship talent.

Yup ... :-/