One of the things that surprised me when I first read/heard about it is that incitement laws in the US only apply to immediate and likely threats of violence.

"Someday, the people will rise up with pitchforks and torches and burn down Frankenstein's castle!!" is Ok. It's not incitement - in the US anyway.

"My brothers and sisters, tonight, after this meeting, we will take our pitchforks and torches and ..." is not Ok. That's illegal incitement.

Too many people get people riled up by advocating violence of the first kind, with a wink and a nod, but there's (apparently) little that the US can do to punish them.

Yes, there can be chilling effects, and there can be corner cases where unsavory politicians and prosecutors can stifle speech they don't like. But when people, especially under the guise of religion, can advocate violence and people take them up on it, something more needs to be done...
