Was one of the nostrums I employed re. a couple sick animals, and another example of what working-remedies go ^Zoooom^ over the brain pans of AMA-styled Vets, for the most part. Still, in 2014.

(Of course too, while I may have seen some signs of its efficacy..? your 'data' (and that of lots of others who write reports) counts not a whit, when one's std. ref. is words from Big Pharma.)

I note that 'transfer factor' derivatives, in *capsule form, are out there. But the usual untraceability of their ingredients (for the interested and careful) means: you are your own lab, and unless you deal with n- patients, it's still a crap shoot. But that's the way capitalism works (and depends on. :-(

* I used liquid, as extracted; costs more/less dependent upon 'processors' of whatever expertise.

Thanks for good reminder; sometimes all the 'methods' just runtogether as we amateurs try to compensate for universal obtuseness amidst the "Pros". Knowing they are deficient never makes a one automatically superior (either!)