Wunderground, via its n-stations (one about 6 blocks away) has proven pretty accurate, say 80-90%:
that is: Looking at the Wundermap and watching the time-loop spread of the damp-green overlay, can sometimes see first drops fall..within 10 min or so of the predicted arrival.
In 10 sec. you can grok to fullness, whether the Burberry? or the canoe.

Your spate might have earned a Yellow amidst the Green; I don't even attend any on-air forecasts, not only because of my valley micro-climate (where I can read the differences just a few miles away.) Under Oakland ("change station") I see a plethora of Stations, all eager to indulge one's desire for predictions (especially about the future.) ie.

On-air: early MSoft credibility
Wunder: spiffy OS-X Credibility

Bon appetít.

Opt. historical:
(Haven't checked out Weather.com lately;) fooforaw when they bought Wunder! fears that they would dumb down the neat data presentations. Well, they did go to fancier graphics, with each change garnering nattering and hand-wringing amidst the meteorological-Reactionaries. They actually Improved! fancy that..

Now it's sorted, with keen histograms of %Probability plus usual links for local Severe Weather Watches and Alerts. (But I still trust physics over digital gadgetry as to Inches/water.. I regularly see more of that substance direct-from-sky than ... 6 blocks away.)