(Yes, I Get the point of OTP), along with the gotcha!s whenever mere homo-saps are an essential piece of the rest of the (practical aka pragmatic) process.
Cryptography is a native talent: we employ it every time someone asks, "What's on your mind?", n'est ce pâs?

War Games (that comic fantasy..) still has its seminal point:
~~"Funny game!" Digitizing of all stuff ever collected: "The only way to win is not to play at all."
Yep, the Omniverse is *analog, right down to chemical bonds + a little probability.. for comic relief.
My LPs, via solar minimal power, after EMP will play fine (unless..over-done! thus, Nuclear Winter signifies further..)

A red sky at night
Sailor's delight
Means it went off all right

--A Leaden Treasury of English Verse; illustrations by Edw. Gorey
[Antidote? pwnership of all delivery-systems with nukes: permanent SAFE/over-ride; if disabled: only half.. of the explosive lenses will ever fire. Perfect trajectory of a Dud.]
This way the Mil/Ind/Complex gets its perpetual stipend--and billions get to live, anyway. What's to lose?

But all the funny-money, now utterly non-existant except in evanescent..? actually ineffable 1111s and 0000s as can flip in a femto-Second to 0000 0000 ... says Lots about another screwed-up concept: Wealth! And the State Secrets as mangle this daily The Green Table dueling of national-egos are as hors de combat as are the concepts of 'security' OR 'privacy'
(cf. The Light of Other Days, with or without the worm-holes.) Ain't that the best fucking-cosmic-Joke since.. Ecce Homo! ??

* 'Course one can have taxonomy-warz re, boring-down: to Definition(s) of the Classes..? analog, digital, (as the homo-sap jelloware likes to organize all the stuff that comes into it, along with the noise.) But a specially shaped/ground-whatever piece of glass seems to me to be about as analog as any 'it' ever gets. Whether or not you next 'process' the results: the Analog part of the steps is as essential as [say, the analog stage withinin a sub-unit of the the Numerical Processing Unit of a PDP-8.]