And not merely reflexes, but tactical skill (via competition) and sneakiness.. duplicity.. yada yada. War skills.

Come to think of it, and in the US especially: with bizness seen as The Road to Success (and also the Grail at the end of that Road, Exec = Success) - the same qualities of war-mentality, sneakiness, practised dissembling and single-minded pursuit, regardless of consequence to anyone else:

Such demonstrated training virtuosity might well propel Ender's Game, The Movie into Corporate Education boardrooms everywhere.
harp arpeggios; smoky mirror clears ...
Sim Biz City practice replaces boring old debate, the remaining sprinkling of 'basketweaving' ethics courses, soci-'ology' and biology as: the means towards passing those annual National $-Grant 'Achievement' Tests (towards passing which, a larger and larger %-time shall be spent anyway - we see already).

I can hardly wait..


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