As reported on (NPR)

To the Best of Our Knowledge
How we think about the environment will have real-world consequences for our children and grandchildren. Today, we talk about new environmental paradigms for life after climate change. And, we remember the great environmentalist Rachel Carson on the 50th anniversary of her death.

She died in April '64: rapid-moving breast cancer, at age 55.

She was attacked by the above; ad hominem. One piece of Corp-propaganda asked, "What might a spinster have to contribute in this field? [at a time when, per broadcast: ~!% of scientists were female..] She must be a Communist.."

Ever thus.. Just a bit surprising to hear this anecdote, half a century later, as we see the same Corps at the forefront of placing a maximum of Risk onto their consumers/clients/planet, while managing to protect selves from most-all of that risk--as Empirically as then--though Legal has sanitized the contumely, having invented Corporate-speak along the decades.

Synchronicity of this sort, apparently seen at NPR too, suggests that gullibility remains a constant, for all our techno 'communications'. As the first assassination had just occurred,
thence to RFK '68 where the uninterrupted [-] slope seems to have begun.. I guess the awfulness of rivers on fire was preempted thus, and people could go back to sleep about even the concept of Corporatocracy and its cost. (Could many have noticed, since?)
Some of the clean-ups [LA Smog! even] were heroic, paid for by the masses, as now. A soporific?

Looks like Tuesday will be about which of the %Registered bother to vote. That fits, too.
Carrion. (Or a flag-decal?) Both are on the menu.