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New Spacecraft Sees Giant 'Hole' In the Sun
*cough* Year of the Jackpot? not just for breakfast any more..?

OK.. maybe a tad early--to cue up Tom Lehrer's penultimate anthem--there may have been a raft of bad pixels in that sensor.

Ed: NASA followup with a tad of anthropomorphism, for The Win.

OTOH that Russki's theory about M-stars ... T? F? you be da judge :-0
(I say: if'n ya likes worryin pretty head 'bout our uncertain futchah)
... get yer money's worth: Go fer da Gold!

Liff is always mirroring our dystopian horror tales.. Shrub.. USSC Mafiosi.. Windows X.. Ebola chewing gum? ...
(Personally I'd prefer the Restaurant at the End of the Galaxy, some Bolivian Blue-flake and a decent Chablis, but lack the requisite Quatloos for a reservation..)
Steerage again.
Collapse Edited by Ashton Nov. 2, 2014, 09:29:13 PM EST
Spacecraft Sees Giant 'Hole' In the Sun
*cough* Year of the Jackpot? not just for breakfast any more..?

OK.. maybe a tad early--to cue up Tom Lehrer's penultimate anthem--there may have been a raft of bad pixels in that sensor.

OTOH that Russki's theory about M-stars ... T? F? you be da judge :-0
(I say: if'n ya likes worryin pretty head 'bout our uncertain futchah)
... get yer money's worth: Go fer da Gold!

Liff is always mirroring our dystopian horror tales.. Shrub.. USSC Mafiosi.. Windows X.. Ebola chewing gum? ...
(Personally I'd prefer the Restaurant at the End of the Galaxy, some Bolivian Blue-flake and a decent Chablis, but lack the requisite Quatloos for a reservation..)
Steerage again.
     Spacecraft Sees Giant 'Hole' In the Sun - (Ashton)

is there more coffee... can I have another cup... you wanna cup I can make some more... I have alot... I mean I have this pot here... but its almost gone and its been sitting there for 10 minutes anyway... I should make more... did I ask if you needed coffee??? do you??? need coffee I mean...
32 ms