I ran a Linux desktop for ages because I liked dicking with the OS and the UI options appealed to me at the time - they were certainly better than the Windows options. The rise of Ubuntu helped, but then Canonical started going in a direction I didn't care for. And dicking with my OS is getting old. Most of the time, I want it To Just Work.

A few years ago, we had massive upgrades at work and I went from an elderly Ubuntu desktop to a MacBook Pro. Until then, I'd never used OS X much, if at all. In a lot of ways It Just Works, but using it every day has shown me I would never buy a Mac of my own: OS X has design features I don't like and can see Apple doesn't understand why people would want those things different.

My own laptop is Windows 8. It's great! And It Just Works, or does pretty much as well as an OS X lappy would. I wish I'd sprung for slightly better hardware, but that's not Microsoft's fault: AU$600 got me an 11" touchscreen 64-bit laptop.

In a lot of ways, I think Microsoft does their best work when believe they are not the dominant player. To me it looks a lot like they're adopting this model for Windows 8.
