Via a Tech Nation interview with Dartmouth's Marcello Gleiser,
Appleton Professor of Natural Philosophy, Professor of Physics and Astronomy.

Stream available there.
Book: The Island of Knowledge: The Limits of Science and the Search for Meaning. Hardcover – June 3, 2014
Program covers a litany of misperceptions of the Problem, lucid alternatives for envisioning why
cutting to chase: We are incompetent to 'understand' consciousness (cf. the limits of Our goldfish bowl.)
Another way: "We are cognitively closed" to any "subjective experience of The Real".
(Usual refs to QM, Gödel, multi-verses and similar hammers for driving screws. Rhetoric be damned.)

He must be very bright.. to expound for ~an hour with Moira Gunn's incisive Qs, her faux-sadness that Science
(nor via any MRI-brain-scans or mind/brain Mc Guffins)
shall provide no lateral arabesque around an Un-Knowable-grade desire within any [RPFeynman] Curious Character [/RPF] however we try.
Ya can't always get whatcha Wanna ... redux.

If you give-a-shit, check it out. Fix-it ... (Prove a [-]) if ya Can. (It's so nice to scratch an un-Do-able from the To-Do list.)
Me all Ears.