disseminated (maybe they are?)

I've sent a few business types to aax.net in the past - they could understand you! while at technical <novice level. So it isn't just I who believes that yours could be a valuable (drop in that bucket) counter to the spin and BS purchased everywhere.

Not that I imagine self smart enough to suggest "what you Ought to do" with your time - and maybe you've deduced that the unravelling, when it comes -- will be characteristically self-inflicted anyway [??] But a lot of the critics with 'columns' lack both your experience in how stuff Really works and often enough - they don't write as well either IMhO.

If your take is correct, I can't think of a better encrypted-key to the dark cavern where a M$ Heart would have been, than - an irreversibly negative consensus that ... they don't know shit about security AND they'd sell their own grandmother's name to a spammer, and bill her for the Service after disabling her XP and scheduling her for an audit: on Mother's day.

How could more people get chance to see some $%@#&^ Rebuttals Out There ??? (A question asked by legions of flacks with something to sell. I know :(


Knowledge is power. D'Oh. But as President [link|http://www.filmsite.org/drst.html|Merkin Muffley] shouts to the tippling Soviet ambassador.. after the existence of the Doomsday Device\ufffd has been revealed, What &*$%& use is a Doomsday Device IF NOBODY KNOWS ABOUT IT !?!

Y'know? Gawd I Miss Peter Sellers... and Alec Guinness and .. .. the tooth fairy.