God Loves Uganda explores the role of the American evangelical movement in Uganda, the “Pearl of Africa,” where American missionaries have been credited with creating schools and hospitals, but also blamed for promoting dangerous religious bigotry. For many American evangelicals, Uganda is fertile territory to spread their interpretation of the Bible. But their proselytizing may have more nefarious results than they realize, as the missionaries’ teachings about homosexuality becomes part of a culture of intolerance and hatred towards Uganda’s LGBT community.

Produced and directed by Academy Award-winning filmmaker Roger Ross Williams — whose father was a religious leader and sister is a pastor — the film records the tense atmosphere of fear created when a virulently anti-gay bill wins widespread support. Now signed into law, the Anti-Homosexuality Act mandates a maximum sentence of life imprisonment for engaging in homosexual activity as well as imprisonment for those who provide aid or counseling to members of the LGBT community.

PBS's title:

This film explores the role of the American Evangelical movement in fueling Uganda's terrifying turn towards the proposed death penalty for homosexuality.

..these emotionally-diseased Fuckwits just Cannot Stop fixing everybody-not-Them.
SInce they love the Death Penalty, let's have an Int'l Law (~~Holocaust deniers) Special for Them:
Try to get homosexuals killed? get Death.. on a cross.. Upside-Down.

Ed: PS ... Watching these self-righteous sycophants of sanctimony IS maddening;
seeing the ease with which the gullible embrace their Certainties and are made hateful is
... another demerit for homo-sap intelligence. And 100 for Murican-style exported-malevolence.